Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This video is pretty amazing, perfect example of being in the right place at the right time! For the guys filming it at least - not so much for the people on the yacht!! Basically a killer whale jumps out the water and lands bang in the middle of a couple's yacht. Very funny the way the people filming actually laugh 'ha ha ha its a disaster'.... What are the chances? Unbelievable but true!

Video Mayo Clinic Atrium Piano

An elderly couple walked into the lobby of the Mayo Clinic for a checkup and spotted a piano. They've been married 62 years and he recently turned 90. We are only as old as we feel, it's all attitude. Enjoy and Happy Tuesday X

Hope this gets you on the right track Claire :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Beethoven Symphony #3 Youtube Video

You are going to love this Youtube video of Beethoven's Symphony #3 made my my good Friend Ross Lemmon. Ross knows his Music and now he is taking a shot at making and uploading Youtube Videos. I love Classical Music so I dont really need any more reasons to publish this great Youtube Video.

Beethoven Symphony #3 Youtube Video

Here is the original link for the Youtube video Beethoven

Youtube Video Beethoven Symphony #3